10 Animals With Amazing Incredible Abilities

10 Animals With Amazing Incredible Abilities

16 August 2022 0 By Bear
10 Animals With Amazing Incredible Abilities

This world is full of countless wonderful creatures and every living being has some qualified unique abilities. As compared to other creatures, bears have the most smelling power; no one can reach the speed of a peregrine falcon; instead day, owls are able to see better at night when there is an absence of light. Similarly, there are countless creatures in the world that have incredible abilities. These qualified unique abilities gave them separate identities and kept them safe and alive. Today we’re going to see some such animals with amazing incredible abilities. These creatures could make you feel strange and surprised.

10. Kangaroo Rat: The most specialized animal can survive for its entire life without water

10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Kangaroo Rat
Image From Wikipedia | Public Domain

Could you believe if I say, a creature can survive without water? Maybe your answer would be NO! But guys, kangaroo rats really do. In fact, they can survive their entire life without water. These rat species are small mostly nocturnal rodents that are native to arid areas of western North America, including some areas of Death Valley, the Great Basin, the Mojave Desert, and parts of the Sonoran Desert. These areas always lack water and rain. Despite the scarcity of water and rain, these little souls have learned to survive. These rats take substances like seeds, grass, leaves, and plants in their food. They fulfill their water needs through moisture contained in their foods. These rats have amazing hearing ability; they can detect even the silent flight sound of owls. To avoid predators, these just 6-inch little rats use to jump 10 feet long in the air.

9. Mimic Octopus: A Mimicry Artist from the Indo-Pacific Ocean

10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Mimic Octopus
Image From Wikipedia | Image By Sike Baron

You must have enjoyed funny shows of many mimicry artists.  But have you ever seen any mimicry artists living under the sea? If your answer is no! Then let me introduce you to a sea creature who is a real-life mimicry superstar. Mimic octopuses are from the Indo-Pacific region. These octopuses are no less than any mimicry artist and they can mimic 15 sea creatures like a poisonous flatfish, deadly sea snakes, Lionfish, and Cuttlefish. This camouflage ability not only helps them in protection from predators but also in aggressive hunting. For example, when a mimic octopus encounters a crab, they imitate it just like a crab so that the crab can be easy hunt. However, adults of this species can grow up to 2 feet and females die as soon after breeding.

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8. Cardinal Fish: A fish that split fire

10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Cardinal Fish
Image From Wikipedia (CC BY 2.0)| Image by Jon Hanson

There are lots of fish species living in the lap of the sea. From small clownfish to large fishes like dolphins, whales, and sharks. But friends, today I’m going to tell you about a fish, just about 2 to 8 inches, and that spit fire. Maybe you guys do not believe it, but Cardinal Fish does. These fish are inhabitants of the sea and shallow water. In reality, cardinal fish mainly diet on zooplankton but when they eat zooplankton of Ostracods species. These tiny creature starts to blow their bioluminescence which makes Cardinal Fish becomes completely visible. It’s quite dangerous for small fish in the sea, they might be a victim of big fish. In self-protection, Cardinal Fish spew ostracods from their mouth. And while spitting ostracod from their mouth it seems that they are spitting fire from their mouth.

7. Pistol Shrimp: A born sharpshooter

10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Pistol Shrimp
Image from Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 2.5)| Image by OpenCage

Friends, have you ever seen anyone who has been born with a pistol and a sharpshooter since birth? Among the myriad creatures living in the depths of the sea, a species of shrimp roams around with a pistol in its hand. In fact, this pistol is a body part of these shrimp. For this reason, they got their name Pistol Shrimp. Pistol Shrimp are just 1-2 inches in size but still, this tiny creature can easily beat the whistle sound of a sperm whale. Lets me tell you a sperm whale is the loudest creature in the ocean whose whistle call reaches up to 188 decibels. Pistol shrimp can produce a sound of up to 218 decibels, which is more than a gunshot that can easily break a glass jug. Despite looking beautiful, you cannot keep them in your aquarium. Pistol Shrimp are also known as Snapping Shrimp. They make bubble bullets with the snap of their claws. These bubble bullets help them to kill down both their prey and hunter. 

6. Humming Bird: The smallest bird in the world
10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Humming Bird
Image from Pixabay | Image by George

There will be hardly any bird lover in the world who does not know about hummingbirds. These tinny beings are native to America. And a species of these birds, the Bee hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. Humming Birds are incredible fliers, they are the only creatures that can keep hovering and can even fly backward, from top to bottom. With the help of their amazing fast wings, they can beat their wings from 80 to 200 beats per second.

5. Dung Beetle: Strongest insect in the world
10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Dung Beetle
Image from Pixabay |Image by Baynham Goredema

Wherever you can see dung, it is more likely that you will find a dung lover whose name is Dung beetles. This is because animal dung is their main diet. They are about just 1.2 inches but don’t focus on their size. Actually, this species of beetle is the strongest insect in the world and they are listed among the top strongest creatures in the world. You might be surprised to know dung beetles can carry 1000 times more weight than their own weight.

4. Male Seahorse: Male Seahorse gets pregnant
10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Male Seahorse
Image from Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0) | Image by © Hans Hillewaert

Have you seen any male get pregnant and give birth to a child? If your answer is No! Let’s see You. Maybe you’re not going to believe but a male sea horse really does. A seahorse is a tiny sea creature ranging in size from 1.5 cm to 35.5 cm, which looks exactly like a land horse. Every Male sea horse gets pregnant and gives birth little baby sea horse. Due to belonging to the Syngnathidae family every male of this family have the duty to give birth to their babies. It is very unique among all creatures and their species, genes, and family. However, little sea horse has to survive on their own.

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3. Hairy Frog: Broke its bones to produce claws
10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Hairy Frog | Wolwarine Frog | Horror Frog
Image from Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0) | Image by Emőke Dénes

You must have seen many species of frogs that have unique abilities, like a glass frog which is transparent, and a poison dart frog which is one of the most poisonous creatures. But you have hardly heard about a frog or amphibian that breaks its own bone to produce claws. Perhaps you have heard about some Salamanders using this technique, but native to Central Africa hairy frog takes this defense trick to a next level. They broke their bones to produce claws that puncture their way out of the frog’s toe pads, probably when it is threatened. Hairy frogs use this technique to protect themselves from predators. And these produced claws can be used as permanent claws to fight against predators. Due to their physical appearance, these frogs are also called other names like Horror Frogs and Wolverine Frogs.

2. Tarsier: The animal has bigger eyes than its brain
10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Tarsier
Image from Pixabay | Image by SoleneC1

Although you must have seen many creatures with big eyes. But have you ever seen such a creature whose eyes are bigger than the size of its brain? Then what are we waiting for? Let’s meet that creature. Tarsier is a small mammalian primate living in many provinces of southeast Asia. Compare to other animals, they have large size eyes in comparison to their body size, even though their eyes are larger than the size of their brains. The eyes sight of Tarsier is so fine that they can see in the light of day as well as in the darkness of night. Even they can see and hunt small animals and insects in the darkness at the night. The eyes of the tarsiers are fixed in their skull and to see them all around, they rotate their head 180 degrees, which can see their head up to 360 degrees by turning their head to the right and left.

1. Plumed Basilisk: A creature that can walk on the surface of the world
10 Animals with amazing incredible abilities | Plumed Basilisk | Jesus Lizard | Jesus Christ Lizard
Image from Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0) | Image by Connor Long 

You must have heard some people claiming to walk on the surface of the water. I’m not going to make any comments on them, but yes there is a creature in the world that can walk on the surface of the water. The plumed Basilisk is an inhabitant in or near the water areas of Central America. They are capable of walking on the surface of the water. Due to this ability, it is also called Jesus Lizard. Plumed basilisks are also good swimmers and they can spend up to 30 minutes underwater and can also climb feet quickly. In fact, plumed basilisks use their back legs to walk on the surface of the water, which due to their long fingers and their skin being fringed, spread on the surface of the water by unfolding. And these basilisk moves on their feet forward rapidly, forming air pockets while thumping on the water. Their tails maintain their balance so that they do not sink by falling on the surface of the water.

These are some creatures with indestructible qualities and abilities. These qualified unique abilities gave them separate identities and kept them safe and alive.